Welcome to the June 2024 edition of the Statfreaks Newsletter, bringing you the latest and most detailed insights into the world of horse and greyhound racing.


We delve into the Historical Track Analysis for riders across key New South Wales venues: Randwick, Rosehill, Warwick Farm, and Canterbury Park. Our detailed analysis reviews rider performance metrics, emphasizing crucial statistics like win and place strike rates.

  • Randwick, Jamie Kah’s consistent performance with a notable win strike rate and Zac Lloyd’s profitability on win investments stand out.
  • Rosehill, Reece Jones showcases high profitability in both win and place bets, setting a benchmark for effectiveness.
  • Warwick Farm’s data reveals Amy Mc Lucas as a standout for her impressive win rates and return on investment.
  • Canterbury Park’s analysis underscores James McDonald’s popularity, though his profitability varies, offering insights into the dynamic conditions of each track.

This thorough review supports the identification of top performers and the optimization of investment strategies, rooted in historical data and current trends.

Join us for another informative issue, filled with essential insights and strategic tools, to help you stay ahead in the dynamic world of racing. Enjoy the read, and here’s to many more successful investments.

Happy Racing!

The Statfreaks Team